How long have you been singing for?
I have been singing my entire life. It is what brings me the most joy. My passion for music extends from country music, to multiple genres, musicals, broadway, and classical opera. Melodies, harmonic builds, and the movement of notes is such a powerful emotional experience that I believe adds such value to my life.

For years I sang with my vocal coach and competed in festivals. I participated in choirs and joined community theater. I sing everyday. Now, I am at a place where I am ready to introduce myself as Robyn Ashley, and share my own music with others.

What’s a typical day like for you?
I get up and work out a few days a week, then go to work. After work, I usually have music. Whether it’s a lesson, or studio time, 4 nights a week I am working on music or singing. My friends and family are very important to me, so when I am not doing music, I often spend time with them.

What are three words that describe you?
Positive/ Outgoing – it’s a tie!

What are you happiest doing?
Singing, obviously! And working on music projects. Hands down, nothing makes me happier.

What are some causes you care about?
I care deeply about seniors and senior advocacy

Music in the community

Supporting local and small business

Dream venue to sing in at?
Rogers Place in a hometown show.

Categories: Fun